Monday, February 20, 2006

Saturday was a lot of fun. We talked the Corbetts into braving the freezing weather with us for a trip to Harper's Ferry (, the place where they arrested John Brown. After finally finding our way over the river and through the woods on the winding Virgina roads, we climbed out of the car to enjoy the old buildings and history in the 34 degree weather.
Clouds seem to make all the difference. It was a nice clear day, and we were down by the river which channeled the wind right through the town. We even walked the foot bridge accross the Potomac. (For those of you that have never been, Harper's Ferry is right on the point where the Shenandoah and Potomac rivers combine and then head down to the Atlantic ocean.) I think the only thing that could have made it colder is if it had been raining...wait, at those temperatures you only get snow. It felt like we were on a ski lift about 10 feet before the summit where the wind really picks up and all of the warm clothes you have on don't seem to make a difference. Posted by Picasa


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