Friday, April 06, 2007

Back to the routine

James arrived home safely from Germany last Sat. bearing many tasty
treats. His favorite part of the trip was his weekend in Holland but I
will let him post more about that later.

Wednesday, as part of their weekly English talk program here, I gave a
lecture/discussion about Carpinteria and how it inspired me to love
nature and want to do something to protect it. I let them see my shell
collection- they were most impressed by the sand dollars and showed a
short DVD we made of our trip to the tide pools one spring when Marlo
was a baby. It was really fun to be back in teacher mode again.
Besides, I finally got to wear the black suite I had made at Christmas
time. We talked about environmental protection and how it effects all
of us. It was really fun.

Anyway... I have been enjoying my chocolate more than I should... I am
sure coming down off the drug is going to be painful. Good thing
Easter is coming soon.


At Sat Apr 07, 07:44:00 PM COT , Blogger scrapmom4 said...

Sounds like a great time.


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