Monday, October 15, 2007

From LuGu Hu we drove, stopped over night for a landslide, drove some more and made it to Li Jiang for lunch the next day. I need some of Heidi's pictures to show you how cool the old town is there. The streets are blocked off to cars so we parked and carried our things to a youth hostel in the old city where we spent the night. At night the city was particularly enchanting with red lanterns lighting the streets, small cannals running between buildings and lots of people just walking around.
The biggest surprise was how clean the city is. No trash, no waste, no spitting..... there are police men on every corner and the cars all obeyed the traffic rules, stayed in their lanes..... let pedestrians cross without fear for their lives..... and the sky was a perfect blue with little white fluffy clouds.
Make no mistake though, this cities bread and butter is tourism... hence the cleanliness.... and there are souvenier shops everywhere.....and places to eat... and hotels.... We happened to arrive for the first annual snow peach festival. They brought in over 50 peach trees ladden with fruit and had a big competition for Miss Snow Peach and decorations everywhere.
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