Thursday, November 20, 2008

So I went in for Ethan's 4 mo. check-up and shots yesterday. He weighs 15.2 lbs, is 26 in long, and has a head circ. of 42.2 cm. Which according to the website means: Length = between percentile 75 and 90
Weight = between percentile 25 and 50
Head Circumference = above percentile 95
I think the head one is wrong... but the doctor says he is doing great!
He also got his second round of about 5 shots... poor kid... which also meant that instead of being exhausted, he was up about every 2 hours last night... and do you think he would still be asleep now? of course not. Oh well, some day I will sleep and then my kids will say, "what happened to the walking zombie mommy we used to have?" and I will have absolutely no idea what they are talking about because I won't remember any of those days.
Oh well, time to take care of that sweet, adorable baby some more... and if he goes back to sleep, so am I.


At Thu Nov 20, 11:30:00 PM COT , Blogger scrapmom4 said...

I wish you were closer so they could all come over and you could nap! I do remember those zombie days, and it is like heaven when they're over. Good luck. Love ya.


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