Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday to Teac. I attempted to make a cake from scratch and adjust the recipe for the altitude... it didn't rise very much and practically fell apart when I took it out of the pans so I wrapped it in plastic wrap and froze it. It was a good thing too because I made fudge icing... I figured it would make up for the cake... but it didn't set up... until I put it onto the frozen cake that is- instantly thick, phew! The cake was edible and the girls had fun helping me decorate it and wrapping presents for their brother. His birthday is going to forever be a hard one... how can he possibly need anything else after we just had Christmas? He did go into the tree the day after Christmas and ask to open more presents though. Come to think of it... they didn't need anything before Christmas either. Notice his Lightning McQueen shirt which he has worn 4 times since he opened it Christmas morning.
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