Monday, April 23, 2007

Spanish Night

Last Sat we invited a few families over who have one or more of the
spouses from a Spanish speaking country....strange
qualifications....anyway, we had a great time (don't ask how we fit
in). There was good food, and for a few moments we actually forgot we
were in China. We had homemade tortillas and chips... salsa, carne
asada, and lots of other yummy things. The best part of the night was
playing crazy Uno....we should have called it "One". There were a lot
of kids and Marlo is excited to have other kids who speak her secret
language... at least it's a secret here in China.


At Mon Apr 23, 01:20:00 AM COT , Blogger scrapmom4 said...

Playing "One". Now that's the kind of comments that I miss hearing from you in person. :)
Sounds like a great night. Mmmm...carne asada. I'm jealous. Maybe I should invite my neighbors over.

At Mon Apr 23, 08:21:00 AM COT , Blogger C Mommy said...

I'm so proud of you for getting this together! Sounds like we would have loved to come - though we have no Spanish ties either.... at least you speak the language we just obsess about the food! Glad to hear you can get some in China - at the Fowlers!


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