So things have gotten better. Friday our air shipment from CA arrived and just a bucket full of cars was all Teac needed to keep busy and happy for hours. Now I have all of my spices- just not my pans- I am making a list for next time, and more clothes to wear. (If I could only get them to fit.)
Saturday was a good day. We went to play soccer with some of the guys from work against another team. They had a referee and everything. James and I took turns on baby watch. The best part was running and being outside... and not being totally terrible inspite of the altitude, postpartum, and lots of other excuses I can't remember right now. It felt great!
That night we were invited to the home of some members here. They are about our age and have two sons 4 years old and 8 mos. They live next door to her parents so we spent time chatting (I was left alone in the room with the other women for a while and had to hold my own in Spanish thank you very much) and had Colombian tamales- they are wrapped in plantain leaves and on the inside is a cumin-flavored corn masa around a chicken leg, an egg, and a little piece of pork fat. They were actually quite tastey- even Marlo liked them.
Sunday was a nice day at church- it looks like I am going to be working in the primary. Our friend took the baby and put him to sleep with cowboy songs... it was nice to be able to listen to the lesson. We had a friend over for linner (lunch + dinner). He has 4 kids back at home that he has been away from for 6 mos and he was missing the chaos which we happily provided. We introduced him to Settlers of Catan, had apple crisp, and it turned out to be a very nice day.
Potty training is an interesting process. so far Teac can stay totally dry. He will even tell me at a friend's house that he wants to go. However, he still insists on hiding for everything else leaving very messy underwear. He even thinks it's gross but I so far have not been able to convince him to tell me. If I catch him and put him on the toilet he will go while I read him a story.... we'll get there soon.
Yesterday, I cleaned the kitchen, did all the dishes, organized my closet and bathroom, moved Ethan into Teac's room (we'll see how that goes) and all-in-all had a very good day. Then Ethan woke up at 4 this morning and was ready to be very cute and sociable. I am very tired- but not overwhelmed like I was last week.